Promega Connections (プロメガ)

Promega Connections(Promega), 「Bioluminescence and Biotechnology: Shining Nature ’s Cool Light on Biology

As an example of gene expression measurement using luciferase bioluminescence, the following cited article in our 3D gene expression tracking quantification paper

In vivo imaging of clock gene expression in multiple tissues of freely moving mice

Hamada T et al., Nature communications. 7:11705, 2016.

Since luminescence by the LL reaction is an enzymatic reaction, it has higher specificity than fluorescence, and it is highly reliable if gene-expressing cells emit luminescence.

In fact, in order to reconfirm the expression of the luciferase protein, our laboratory uses the promega antibody Anti-luciferase pAb to confirm the luminescent site.

Promega Connections (プロメガ), 「Bioluminescence and Biotechnology: Shining Nature’s Cool Light on Biology

ルシフェラーゼ生物発光をもちいた遺伝子発現計測の例として以下の我々の 3D 遺伝子発現追跡定量の論文の引用記事 

「In vivo imaging of clock gene expression in multiple tissues of freely moving mice」

Hamada T et al., Nature communications. 7:11705, 2016.

LL反応による発光は酵素反応なので蛍光と比較し特異性が高く 遺伝子発現細胞が発光していると信頼が高いのですが、実際 luciferase 蛋白質の発現を再確認するため我々の研究室ではプロメガの抗体 Anti-luciferase pAb を用いて発光部位を確認しています。

Hamada Lab.

Why do we become more susceptible to disease and disability as we age? 体内時計研究  Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences International University of Health and Welfare (IUHW) Tochigi, 324-801, Japan