Publication/Research presentation

Hamada T*, Sutherland K, Ishikawa M, Saito J, Miyamoto N, Honma S, Shirato H, Shirato H, Honma K-I( * Correspondence)

A novel method for measurements of sleep/wake states, feeding and drinking behaviors using the tracking technique of 3D positions in freely moving mice

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.732, 5.Nov. (Online 10 July), 2024.

Hamada T*, Kushige H, Fukushima S, Kurachi S ( * Correspondence)

The role of hnRNP A3 on age-related increased expression of FIX in the Liver

BioRxiv, April 25, 2023,

Sato R#, Kanai M#, Yoshida Y,  Fukushima S, Nogami M, Yamaguchi T, Iijima N, Sutherland K, Haga S, Ozaki M, Hamada K, Hamada T* ( #equal contribution, * Correspondence)

Analysis of anticipatory behavior formation mechanism induced by methamphetamine using a single hair

Cells,  2023, 12(4), 654

Nakaya M, Wakamatsu M, Motegi H, Ami Tanaka A, Sutherland K, Ishikawa M, Ozaki M, Shirato H, Hamada K, Hamada T* (*Correspondence).

A real-time measurement system for gene expression rhythms from deep tissues of freely moving mice under light-dark conditions.

Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, 32, 101344, 2022.

Yamaguchi T., Hamada T., Iigima N.

Differences in recovery processes of circadian oscillators in various tissues after sevoflurane treatment in vivo

Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, Volume 30, 101258, 2022.

Hamada K, Ishii Y, Yoshida Y, Nakaya M, Sato Y, Kanai M, Kikuchi Y, Yamaguchi T, Iijima N,

Sutherland K, Hamada T* (*Correspondence).

The analysis of Period1 gene expression in vivo and in vitro using a micro PMTsystem

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 577, 64-70, 2021

Kanou H#, Nagasawa K#, Ishi Y, Chishima A, Hayashi J, Haga S, Sutherland K, Ishikawa M, Ozaki M, Shirato H., Hamada K, Hamada T*  (#equal contribution, *Correspondence)

Period1 gene expression in the olfactory bulb and liver of freely moving streptozotocin-treated diabetic mouse

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 260, 14-20, 2021 

Nakajima K., Hamada K., Ito R., Yoshida Y., Sutherland K., Ishikawa M,Ozaki M., Shirato H., Hamada T* 

   (* Correspondence)

Stability of D-luciferin for bioluminescence to detect gene expression in freely moving mice for long duration.

The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence,  vol.36(1): p94-98, 2021.

Hamada K.#, Oota A.#, Ito R., Kasahara S.,Nakajima K., Kikuchi K., Sutherland K., Ishikawa M,Shirato H, Ozaki M., Hamada T*   (#equal contribution, * Correspondence)

Double recording system of Period1 gene expression rhythm in the olfactory bulb and liver in freely moving mouse.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 529, 898-903, 2020.

Ito R#, Hamada K#, Kasahara S, Kikuchi Y, Nakajima K, Sutherland K, Shirato H, Ozaki M, Ishikawa M, Hamada T*

     (#equal contribution, * Correspondence)

Mouse period1 gene expression recording from olfactory bulb under free moving conditions with a portable optic fiber device,

The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence, vol.35(8):pp1248-1253, 2020.

Takeshi Yamaguchi, Toshiyuki Hamada, Toshiyuki Matsuzaki, Norio Iijima 

Characterization of the circadian oscillator in the choroid plexus of rats.  

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol 524(2) ,497 - 501, 2020

Kennth Sutherland, Toshiyuki Hamada*, Masayori Ishikawa*, Naoki Miyamoto, MasahiroMizuta,  Hiroyuki Date, Hiroki Shirato            ( * Correspondence)

3D Transformation Matrix Calculation and Pixel Intensity Normalization for the Dual Focus Tracking System  

Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (JMBE), Vol 39, pp952 - 959, 2019 

Michitaka Ozaki, Sanae Haga, Takeaki Ozawa, Naoki Morita, Toshiyuki Hamada

Evaluation and regulation cellular/organ functions by optic technology.  

Organ Biology, Vol 24(2), pp87 - 91, 2017 (

Hamada T, Sutherland K, Ishikawa M, Miyamoto N, Honma S, Shirato H, Honma K-I:

In vivo imaging of clock gene expression in multiple tissues of freely moving mice.

Nature comm. 7:11705, 2016.

Nature Reviews Genetics,vol. 17, p439 (2016) : Research Highlights,

Nature comm.今月のおすすめ論文

科学技術振興機構(JST) Sciecne Portal:サイエンスクリップ

HamadaT*, Miyakawa K, Kushige H, Shibata S, Kurachi S:  (* Correspondence)

Age-related expression analysis of mouse liver nuclear protein binding to 3'-untranslated region of Period2 gene.

J. Physiol. Sci., 65, pp349-357, 2015.

 Hamada T, Miyakawa K., Kushige H., Shibata S. and Kurachi S..:

Age-related expression analysis of mouse liver nuclear protein binding to 3'-untranslated region of Period2 gene.

Global Medical Discovery (Canada), Oct 15. 2015.

Hamada T, Niki T. and Ishida N:

Role of p53 in the entrainment of mammalian circadian behavior rhythms.

Genes to Cells, Vol.19, pp441–448, 2014.

Hamada T, Niki T.and Ishida N.:

Role of p53 in the entrainment of mammalian circadian behavior rhythms.

Global Medical Discovery (Canada), Oct 11. 2014.

Yoshitane H, Honma S, Imamura K, Nakajima H, Nishide S, Ono D, Kiyota H, Shinozaki N, Matsuki H, Wada N, Doi H, Hamada T, Honma K and Fukada Y:

JNK regulates the photic response of the mammalian circadian clock.

EMBO Report, vol.13, pp445-461, 2012.

Hamada T, Honma S, Honma Ken-ichi:

Light responsiveness of clock genes Per1 and Per2 in the olfactory bulb of mice.

Bioch Biophys Res Commun, vol.409, pp727-731, 2011.

Hamada T, Kurachi S, Kurachi K:

Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A3 is the Liver Nuclear Protein Binding to Age Related Increase Element RNA of the Factor IX Gene.

PLoS ONE,vol.5, e12971, 2010.

Hamada T, Shibata S:

The role of GABAergic neuron on NMDA- and SP-induced phase delays in the suprachiasmatic nucleus neuronal activity rhythm in vitro.

Neurosci Lett,vol.468, pp344-347, 2010.

Kriegsfeld LJ, Mei DF, Yan L, Witkovsky P, Lesauter J, Hamada T, Silver R:

Targeted mutation of the calbindin D28K gene disrupts circadian rhythmicity and entrainment.

Eur J Neurosci, vol.27, pp2907-2921, 2008.

Iwahana E, Hamada T, Uchida A, Shibata S:

Differential effect of lithium on the circadian oscillator in young and old hamsters.

Bioch Biophys Res Commun, vol.354, pp752-756, 2007.

Iwahana E, Akiyama M, Miyakawa K, Uchida A, Kasahara J, Fukunaga K, Hamada T, Shibata S:

Effect of lithium on the circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and glycogen

synthasekinase-3 protein expression in the mouse suprachiasmatic nuclei.

Eur J Neurosci,vol.19, pp2281-2287, 2004.

Hamada T, Antle MC, Silver R:

The role of Period1 in non-photic resetting of the hamster circadian pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.

Neurosci Lett,vol.362, pp87-90, 2004.

Udo R*, Hamada T*, Horikawa K, Iwahana E, Miyakawa K, Otsuka K, Shibata S:

The role of Clock in the plasticity of circadian entrainment.

Bioch Biophys Res Commun, vol.318, p893-898, 2004 (* first author).

Hamada T, Antle MC, Silver R:

Temporal and spatial expression patterns of canonical clock genes and clock-controlled genes in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.

Eur J Neurosci, vol.19, pp174-178, 2004.

Sudo M, Sasahara K, Moriya T, Akiyama M, Hamada T, Shibata S:

Constant light housing attenuates circadian rhythms of mPer2 mRNA and mPER2 protein expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of mice.

Neuroscience, vol.121, pp493-499, 2003.

Hamada T, LeSauter J, Lokshin M, Romero MT, Yan L, Venuti JM, Silver R:

Calbindin influences response to photic input in suprachiasmatic nucleus.

J Neurosci,vol.23, pp8820-8826, 2003.

Hamada T, LeSauter J, Venuti JM, Silver R:

Expression of Period genes: rhythmic and nonrhythmic compartments of the suprachiasmatic nucleus pacemaker.

J Neurosci, vol.21, pp7742-7750, 2001.

Hamada T, Niki T, Ziging P, Sugiyama T, Watanabe S, Mikoshiba K, Ishida N:

Differential expression patterns of inositol trisphosphate receptor types 1 and 3 in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus.

Brain Res, vol.838, pp131-135, 1999.

Hamada T, Yamanouchi S, Watanabe A, Shibata S, Watanabe S:

Involvement of glutamate release in substance P-induced phase delays of suprachiasmatic neuron activity rhythm in vitro.

Brain Res,vol.863, pp190-193, 1999.

Hamada T, Ootomi M, Horikawa K, Niki T, Wakamatu H, Ishida N:

The expression of the melatonin synthesis enzyme: arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of rat brain.

Bioch Biophys Res Commun, vol.258, pp772-777, 1999.

Hamada T, Liou SY, Fukushima T, Maruyama T, Watanabe S, Mikoshiba K, Ishida N:

The role of inositol trisphosphate-induced Ca2+ release from IP3-receptor

in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus on circadian entrainment mechanism.

Neurosci Lett, vol.263, pp125-128, 1999.

Hamada T, Kako K, Wakamatsu H, Shibata S, Watanabe S, Ishida N:

Diurnal regulation of a DNA binding protein to the period repeat sequence in the SCN nuclear extract of rat brain.

Brain Res Molecular Brain Res,vol.65, pp211-215, 1999.

Hamada T, Sonoda R, Watanabe A, Ono M, Shibata S, Watanabe S:

NMDA induced glutamate release from the suprachiasmatic nucleus: an in vitro study in the rat.

Neurosci Lett, vol.256, pp93-96, 1999.

Niki T, Hamada T, Ohtomi M, Sakamoto K, Suzuki S, Kako K, Hosoya Y, Horikawa K, Ishida N:

The localization of the site of arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase circadian expression in the photoreceptor cells of mammalian retina.

Bioch Biophys Res Commun, vol.248, pp115-120, 1998.

Kako K, Wakamatsu H, Hamada T, Banasik M, Ohata K, Niki-kuroiwa T, Suzuki S, Takeuchi J, Ishida N:

Examination of DNA-binding activity of neuronal transcription factors by electrophoretical mobility shifts assay.

Brain Res (Brain Res Protocol), vol.2, pp243-249, 1998.

Fukushima T, Shimazoe T, Shibata S, Watanabe A, Ono M, Hamada T, Watanabe S:

The involvement of calmodulin and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in the circadian rhythms controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus.

Neurosci Lett, vol.277, pp45-48, 1997.

Watanabe A, Moriya T, Nisikawa Y, Araki T, Hamada T, Shibata S, Watanabe S:

Adenosine A1-receptor agonist attenuates the light-induced phase shifts and fos expression in vivo and optic nerve stimulation-evoked field potentials in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in vitro.

Brain Res, vol.740, pp329-336, 1997.

Fukuhara C, Hamada T, Shibata S, Watanabe S, Aoki K, Inouye SI:

Phase advances of circadian rhythms in somatostatin depleted rats: effects of cysteamine on rhythms of locomotor activity and electrical discharge of the suprachiasmatic nucleus.

J Comp Physiol A, vol.175, pp667-685, 1994.

Watanabe A, Hamada T, Shibata S, Watanabe S:

Effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors on N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced phase delay of circadian rhythm of neuronal activity in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus in vitro.

Brain Res, vol.646, pp161-164, 1994.

Shibata S, Watanabe A, Hamada T, Ono M, Watanabe S:

N-methyl-D-aspartate induces phase shifts in circadian rhythm of neuronal activity of rat SCN in vitro.

Am J Physiol. 267(2 Pt 2):R360-364, 1994.

Shibata S, Watanabe A, Hamada T, Watanabe S:

Protein-synthesis inhibitor blocks (R,S)-alpha-amino-3-hydroxy

-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA)-or substance P-induced phase shift of the circadian rhythm of neuronal activity in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus in vitro.

Neurosci Lett, vol.168, pp159-162, 1994.

Tominaga K, Shibata S, Hamada T, Watanabe S:

GABAA receptor agonist muscimol can reset the phase of neural activity rhythm in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus in vitro.

Neurosci Lett, vol.166, pp159-162, 1994.

Shibata S, Ono M, Tominaga K, Hamada T, Watanabe A, Watanabe S:

Involvement of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in NMDA-induced phase delay of firingActivity rhythm in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in vitro.

Neurosci Biobehav Rev.18, pp591-595, 1994.

Shibata S, Koga Y, Hamada T, Watanabe S:

Facilitation of 2-deoxyglucose uptake in rat cortex and hippocampus slices by somatostatin is independent of cholinergic activity.

Eur J Pharmacol,vol.231(3):8, pp381-388, 1993.

Hamada T, Shibata S, Tsuneyoshi A, Tominaga K, Watanabe S:

Effect of somatostatin on circadian rhythms of firing and 2-deoxyglucose uptake in rat suprachiasmatic slices.

Am J Physiol, vol.265, R1199-R1204, 1993.

Shibata S, Hamada T, Tominaga K, Watanabe S:

An in vitro circadian rhythm of protein synthesis in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus under tissue culture conditions.

Brain Research,vol.584(1-2):6, pp251-256, 1992.

Shibata S, Tsuneyoshi A, Hamada T, Tominaga K, Watanabe S:

Phase-resetting effect of 8-OH-DPAT, a serotonin1A receptor agonist, on the circadian rhythm of firing rate in the rat suprachiasmatic nuclei in vitro.

Brain Research,vol.582(2):4, pp353-356, 1992.

Shibata S, Tominaga K, Hamada T, Watanabe S:

Excitatory effect of N-methyl-D-aspartate and kainate receptor on the 2-deoxyglucose uptake in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus in vitro.

Neuroscience Letters,vol.139(1):4, pp83-86, 1992.

Shibata S, Tsuneyoshi A, Hamada T, Tominaga K, Watanabe S:

Effect of substance P on circadian rhythms of firing activity and the 2-deoxyglucose uptake in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus in vitro.

Brain Research,vol.597(2):7, pp257-263, 1992.


浜田俊幸* (* Correspondence)


    未病と抗老化 (Pre Symptomatic Medicine and Anti Aging), Vol.31/Nov.2022, 2022年 11月

高木美沙、浜田和子、浜田俊幸* (* Correspondence)


    月刊誌「アグリバイオ」・北隆館、 Vol.6, No.11, p83-85, 2022, 2022年 10月

浜田俊幸 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:第1部第1章固形材料)

製剤化のサイエンス (薬学教科書:NEO薬学シリーズ①) 

ネオメディカル,  2022年 4月

浜田俊幸*  (* Correspondence)

「自由行動条件下、糖尿病マウスにおける脳内嗅球および肝臓における時計遺伝子Period1 発現解析」

未病と老化 (Pre Symptomatic Medicine and Anti Aging), 博慈会 老人病研究所、Vol.30, p110, Nov. 2021 11月

浜田和子・長沢光樹・浜田俊幸 *  (* Correspondence)


月刊誌「アグリバイオ」・北隆館、Vol.5, No.11, pp97-101,  2021 10月



月刊誌「アグリバイオ」・北隆館、Vol.5, No.7, p80-83, 2021 7月

浜田 和子・長沢 光樹・浜田 俊幸:


「Development of in vivo recording system for detection and analysis using clock gene expression at the early stage in diabetes」

 月刊誌「 アグリバイオ」, 北隆館, vol.5 (6), 89-93, 2021 6月

浜田 和子・狩野晴美・中島かな子・浜田 俊幸


(Development of in vivo recording system for analyzing disturbance of these clock gene expression rhythms in freely moving mouse)

「Medical Science Digest」・ ニューサイエンス社・Vol.47, No.4, p43~p45, 2021年 4月

浜田 俊幸

一個体の自由行動マウスの中枢および末梢深部組織の時計遺伝子Period1 発現の同時計測システムの確立

未病と抗老化 (Pre Symptomatic Medicine and Anti Aging), Vol.29:94. Nov.2020,  2020年 11月

伊藤遼河, 浜田和子, 浜田俊幸


[地域ケアリング」 Vol.22, No.11 , p68~p71, 北隆館,  2020年 10月

伊藤遼河, 浜田和子, 浜田俊幸


「細胞」・ ニューサイエンス社・p54~p57,   2020年 9月 

伊藤遼河, 浜田和子, 浜田俊幸


アグリバイオ」、Vol.4(8),p79- 82, 北隆館, 2020年 7月



日本睡眠学会教育委員会、p1~p11, 2018, 日本睡眠学会 第22回睡眠科学研究講座 2018年


自由行動マウスの複数組織における時計遺伝子発現のin vivo追跡定量化

未病と老化 博慈会 老人病研究所, vol26, 82, 2017


自由行動マウスの複数組織における時計遺伝子発現のin vivo追跡定量化

(Best articles of the year)

The Hokkaido Journal of Medical Science, 91(2):80、2016


時計遺伝子Period2 非翻訳領域に結合する蛋白質の年齢依存的発現解析

(Best articles of the year)

The Hokkaido Journal of Medical Science, 90(2):140、2015


体内時計の光同調機構におけるp53 の役割

(Best articles of the year)

The Hokkaido Journal of Medical Science, 82(2):134、2014



Kurachi K, Kurachi S, HamadaT, Bolotova T, Suenaga E and Solovieva E:

Age related Homeostasis and Hemostatic System.

In: Recent Advances in Thrombosis and Hemostasis. Tanaka K and Davie EW, (Eds.)

Springer Japan, Tokyo, 427-438. 2008

Shibata S, Hamada T, Watanabe A, Ono M and Watanabe S:

Neurotransmitter interaction in the suprachiasmatic nucleus clock function.

In: Evolution of circadian clock

Hokkaido Univ. Press,177-185. 1994

Shibata S, Tominaga K, Hamada T, Tsuneyoshi A and Watanabe S:

Role of 5-HT1A receptor mechanism in the circadian systems: assessed by wheel-running behavior, 2-deoxyglucose uptake and firing discharge in the rodent suprachiasmatic nuclei.

In: New functional aspects of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus of the Hypothalamus. Nakagawa H and Nagai K, (eds.).

John Libbey Publishing, London 199-206. 1993


尾崎倫孝、芳賀 早苗、小澤岳昌、森田直樹、浜田俊幸:


Organ Biology 24 (2): 87-91、2017


自由行動マウスの複数組織における時計遺伝子発現のin vivo追跡定量化

未病と老化、博慈会 老人病研究所、26、82, 2017


第15章 嗅球の体内時計と嗅覚刺激の作用

体内時計の科学と産業応用 (監修:柴田重信) 株式会社シーエムシー出版、 117-124、 2011


老化・老年病と年齢軸生命工学 Aging and gerotological diseases in relation to age-related homeostasis and age dimension technology

老年医学update 2009-2010 日本老年医学会雑誌編集委員会 編集、Medical view、142-148、2009


ヒトの一生のメカニズムに迫る 時間と生命工学

第3章 年齢軸生命工学研究、 3.2 朝昼晩の日内変動(短時間周期変動)の恒常性、学会出版センター,69-80、2005



Clinical Neuroscience、中外医学社、 635-637、2003



脳と神経 (Brain and Nerve)、医学書院、 26-33、2003



生物学的精神医学、時計機構の老化 日本生物学的精神医学学会(三国、高橋編集)学会出版センター、 15、159-174、1997



Kriegsfeld LJ, LeSauter J, Hamada T, Pitts SM and Silver R:

Circadian rhythms in the endocrine system.

In: Hormones, Brain and Behavior. Pfaff. D and Etigen.A, (eds.).

Academic Press, New York 33-91. 2002



HnRNP A3は血液凝固第IX因子の年齢軸遺伝子発現増加エレメントRNAに結合する肝臓核蛋白質- (博慈会 ダ・ビンチ賞)

未病と老化、博慈会 老人病研究所、20、70-86. 2011


 北海道大学大学院医学研究科・医学部医学科 優秀論文賞 (2017年3月8日)

第21回 日本時間生物学会学術大会 優秀ポスター賞(2014 年11月9日)

老人病研究所 平成23年度 優秀論文賞 ダ・ビンチ賞(2011 年1月31日)



【2019年】これ以降は 【Hamada Lab.menbers】に記載

1.Toshiyuki Hamada 

         MathWorkMathWorks, MathWorks Research Summit 2019 Asia

         AP Tokyo Marunouchi Nissay Marunouchi Garden Tower 3F, 2019年9月6日   


1. Hamada T,「Real-time Tracking Molecular Imaging of Mice」,

           GI-CoRE Quantum Medical Science and Engineering Global Station Seminar, workshop 2016, Sapporo,

            Hokkaido University, Japan. 2016

2. Hamada T,「Novel in vivo 3D imaging of clock gene expression in multiple tissues of freely moving mice」,

            Asian Forum on Chronobiology in 2015, symposium, Sapporo, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan. 2015

3. Hamada T,「Novel noninvasive 4D-imaging of clock gene expression in freely moving mice」,

            Kick-off Symposium ‘Let's start collaboration’Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine &

            Dokuz Eylül   University, symposium, Sapporo, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan. 2014

4. Hamada T,「In vivo bioluminescence reporter gene imaging of the olfactory bulb in the mouse」,

             2nd International Symposium on Photic Bioimaging. Symposium, Niseko, Hillton niseko village,

             Hokkaido, Japan. 2011

5.Hamada T, Liou SY, Ziging P, Kako K and Ishida N,

    「Stopping the circadian pacemaker with an inhibitor of inositol trisphsphate receptor induced calcium release」,

              The 4th international symposium on bioscience and human- technology,symposium, Tsukuba,

               AIST, Ibaraki, Japan. 1997


【2019年】これ以降は 【Hamada Lab.menbers】に記載




                晝馬輝夫 光科学賞の授与及び平成30年度研究助成金贈呈の式典 招待講演

                 (光科学技術研究振興財団) 2019年3月7日

2.  浜田俊幸


     科研費新学術Resonance Bio全体会議2019 Buy Me! Discover Resonance in the CHAOS 

     国際高等研究所 2019年4月5日 

3.   Toshiyuki Hamada

    Real time recording of clock gene expression in peripheral tissues of freely moving mice

                第26回 日本時間生物学会学術大会, 金沢市文化ホール会議棟, 富山 2019年10月14日

4.   浜田俊幸


     第11回 トランスポーター研究会九州部会, 鹿児島大学・郡元キャンパス・学習交流プラザ 




1.浜田俊幸、 動体追跡技術をもちいて睡眠システムを解析する

              日本睡眠学会 第22回「睡眠科学研究講座」札幌 2018年


    第3回可視化マウス研究会 (TKPガーデンシティ品川 東京) 東京 2018年

3. 浜田俊幸 iPRECIOをもちいた自由行動マウスの全身遺伝子発現の可視化と定量化

    第40回日本神経科学大会 ランチョンセミナー (TKPガーデンシティ品川 東京) 千葉 2017

4. Hamada T, Sutherland K, Ishikawa M, Miyamoto N, Shirato H, Honma S and Honma K,

   In vivo imaging of clock gene expression in multiple tissues of freely moving mice、


5. 浜田俊幸、 新規動体追跡技術により可能になる 4D imagingによる自由行動マウスの全身の遺伝子発現解析、

              バイオメディカル部門セミナー、ワークショップ、産業技術総合研究所、茨城. 2016

6. 浜田俊幸、新規動体追跡技術により可能になる 4D imagingによる自由行動マウスの全身の遺伝子発現解析、

              第22回日本時間生物学会学術大会、ワークショップ、東京大学、東京. 2015

7. 浜田俊幸、

      新規動体追跡技術により可能になる 3D imagingによる自由行動マウスの全身の遺伝子発現追跡定量法の開発、

              第24回 日本バイオイメージング学会 学術集会(トロピカルセッション)、ワークショップ、

               東京理科大学、東京. 2015

8. 浜田俊幸、体内時計ペースメーカー細胞による脳内および体全体の恒常性維持機構の解明、

              公益財団法人 光科学技術研究振興財団 研究助成金贈呈・研究表彰の式典、

               クラウンホテルパレス浜松、静岡. 2015

9. 浜田俊幸、 In vivo発光4D イメージングによるフリームービングマウスの遺伝子発現定量解析と行動解析,

               早稲田大学先進理工学部生理・薬理研究室セミナー、早稲田大学、東京. 2013

10. 浜田俊幸、 動体追跡技術による全身の時計遺伝子発現定量解析と行動解析、

               155回日本獣医学会大会、ワークショップ、東京大学、東京. 2013

11. 浜田俊幸、体内時計による全身の遺伝子発現リズム調節機構解明へ、~光イメージングを用いてのアプローチ~


     北海道大学(北海道大学医学部学友会館フラテ2階 特別会議室)、

     3月18日(月)13:30-18:00、北海道 札幌. 2013

12. 浜田俊幸、 覚醒マウスにおける時計遺伝子発現の4Dイメージング

                第2回睡眠研究会、名古屋大学、愛知県. 2012

13. 浜田俊幸、動体追跡法による覚醒マウス脳内遺伝子発現の定量解析に関する研究


                北海道大学、北海道. 2011

14. 浜田俊幸、 哺乳類体内時計の光同調機構を制御している細胞の同定と機能解析、

                 第15回雪祭りセミナー、ワークショップ、日本生理学会地方会、北海道大学、北海道. 2008

【一般発表】(国際学会)Oral and Poster

1. Hamada T, Sutherland K, Ishikawa M, Miyamoto N, Shirato H, Honma S,Honma K,

                In vivo imaging of clock gene expression in multiple tissues of freely moving mice,

                Neuroscience 2016, Dec., Sandiego, California, U.S.A. 2016

2. Hamada T, Sutherland K, Ishikawa M, Miyamoto N, Shirato H, Honma S and Honma K,

                Novel in vivo 3D imaging of clock gene expression in multiple tissues of freely moving mice,

                2015 cell biology, ASCB annual Meeting, Dec., Sandiego, California, U.S.A. 2015

3. Hamada T, Ishikawa M, Sutherland K, Miyamoto N, Shirato H, Honma S and Honma K,

                In vivo whole body 4D imaging by tracking clock gene expression in multi-regions of freely moving mice,

                The 12th international symposium for drug discovery and medical care, Sep., Hokkaido, Japan. 2014

4. Hamada T, Ishikawa M, Sutherland K, Miyamoto N, Shirato H, Honma S and Honma K,

                In vivo whole body 4D imaging by tracking clock gene expression in multi-regions of freely moving mice.

                The 30th Anniversary Meeting Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythm, July, Sapporo, Japan. 2014

5. Hamada T, Ishikawa M, Sutherland K, Miyamoto N, Shirato H, Honma S and Honma K,

                Novel noninvasive imaging of clock gene expression in the olfactory bulbs and skin of freely moving mice.

                The 10th International Symposium for Future Drug Discovery and Medical Care"

                 Frontiers of Interdisciplinary Research in Medicine, Oct., Sapporo, Japan. 2012

6. Hamada T, Honma S, Sutherland K, Miyamoto N, Ishikawa M, Shirato H and Honma K,

                 Novel noninvasive 4D-imaging of the clock genes expression in freely moving mouse,

                 International Symposium on Photonic Bioimaging and Satellite Symposium of Worldsleep 2011

                 on Human Circadian Clock- the 50th anniversary of temporal isolation study, Oct., Sapporo, Japan. 2011

7.Hamada T, S. Honma, K. Sutherland, N. Miyamoto, M. Ishikawa, H. Shirato and K. Honma,

                 In vivo bioluminescence reporter gene imaging in freely moving mice.

                 The "9th International Symposium for Future Drug Discovery and Medical Care"

                 Structural Biology and Drug Discovery, Sep., Sapporo, Japan. 2011

8. Hamada T, Ishikawa M, Sutherland K, Miyamoto N, Shirato H, Honma S and Honma K,

                 In vivo bioluminescence reporter gene imaging in the mouse brain. International Symposium

                 on Photonic Bioimaging 2011, Feb., Sapporo, Japan. 2011

9. Hamada T, Honma S and Honma K,

                 Novel noninvasive imaging of clock gene expression in the olfactory bulbs and skin of freely moving mice.

                 2010 World Molecular Imaging Congress, Sep., Sapporo, Japan. 2010.

10. Hamada T, Honma S and Honma K,

                 In vivo bioluminescence reporter gene imaging of the olfactory bulb in the Medical Care" Molecular Imaging

                 for treatment monitoring, Oct., Sapporo, Japan. 2010

11. Hamada T, Honma S and Honma K,

                 Real-time in vitro and in vivo imaging of Per1 and Bmal1 expressions in the olfactory Bulbs.

                 The 1st ASRS summit and symposium of asia oceania sleep research and sleep medicine in Okinawa,

                 Nov., Okinawa, Japan. 2009

12.Hamada T, Kurachi S, Tanaka T and Kurachi K,

                  Identification of age-related increase element binding protein.

                  2nd world congress of chronobioloby, Nov., Tokyo, Japan. 2007

13. Hamada T, LeSauter J, Lokshin M, Romero MT, Yan L, Venuti JM and Silver R,

                   Identification of a circadian mechanism for gating sensory input.

                   The"Eighth Meeting Socitety for research on Biological Rhythms", May, Florida, U.S.A. 2002

14. Hamada T, LeSauter J, Venuti JM and Silver R,

                   Photic information reaches two functionally distinct regions in the hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus.

                   The "30th annual meeting. Society for neuroscience", Nov., New Oreleans, U.S.A. 2001

15. Hamada T, LeSauter J, Venuti JM and Silver R,

                   Expression of period genes: Rhythmic and Nonrhythmic compartments of the suprachiasmatic nucleus


                   The " Gordon Reserach Conferences ", Aug., Salve Regina University, Newport, U.S.A. 2001

16. Hamada T, LeSauter J, Venuti JM and. Silver R,

                  The role of calbindin-D28K on the photoentrainment mechanism of hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus.

                  The " Seventh Meeting Society for research on biological rhythms ", May, Florida, U.S.A. 2000

17. Hamada T, Watanabe A, Shibata S and Watanabe S,

                  Involvement of Glutamate release in substance P-induced phase resetting effect on Rat suprachiasmatic

                  nucleus neurons in vitro.

                  The 5th Saporo symposium on Biological Rhythm. Evolution of circadian clock , Aug., Sapporo, Japan. 1993

18. Hamada T, Shibata S, Watanabe A and Watanabe S,

                  Phase-resetting effect of substance P on circadian clock in rat suprachiasmatic nucleus in vitro.

                  The "International symposium [Connections between genetics and physiology in the study of

                   biological clocks] ",  Nov., Yamaguchi, Japan. 1992