The 95th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Pharmacological Society(第95回日本薬理学会年会), March7-9 2022
At the 95th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Pharmacological Society (Fukuoka, March 7-9), we presented the research results of 5th grade students.
「Detection of the very early stages of diabetes from a single hair using μPMT system」 3-P-260(3/9 13:30-14:30)
「The analysis of Period1 gene expression in vivo and in vitro using a micro PMT system
at the early stage in diabets」
〇Sato R.(佐藤璃育, 薬学部5年), Kanai M.(金井恩熙, 薬学部5年), Wakamatsu M.(若松実穂, 薬学部5年), Kanagaki K.(金柿ことみ, 薬学部5年), Goto Y.(後藤慶光, 薬学部5年), Yamaguchi T., Iigima N., Hamada K., Hamada T
Disturbance of clock gene expression rhythms is a risk factor for diseases such as obesity. To understand the mechanism of regulating clock gene expression rhythms in vivo, multiple real time recording systems are required. In present studies, we show micro PMT system detect Per1 gene expression rhythm over 1000 times comparing with the tissue contact optical sensor system as we report previously. Per1 expression rhythm in the back skin of freely moving mouse had a peak at CT12. At this time point, we found high Per1 expression in whole hair root tissue using micro PMT system in STZ diabetes mouse. Elevated Per1 expression by STZ administration was observed on day 2 when blood glucose content was around 400 mg/dl, which corresponds with the time of onset of severe diabetes. In contrast, scalp hair showed elevated Per1 expression on day 1 when blood glucose was still low in non-diabetic condition. A drastic increase of Per1 expression on day 1 is consistent with that of the olfactory bulb, cortex, and liver in our previous reports. These results show that our μPMT system responds to minute changes in gene expression in freely moving mice in vivo and in mice hair follicles in vitro. Furthermore, Per1 in the hair can be used for a marker of diabetic aggravation.
自由行動マウスの脳内および末梢組織の遺伝子発現を超高感度で長期間計測するシステムを開発し、糖尿病が発症する過程において時計遺伝子Period1(Per1)発現変化をリアルタイムに計測することに成功しました。糖尿病が重篤化する前にPer1 発現が一過性に上昇し、その後、糖尿病を示す高血糖および行動睡・眠覚醒リズムが消失し、糖尿病が重篤化する過程において、糖尿病が発症する前の未病段階で急激なPer1 遺伝子発現は体毛から、糖尿病発症時にはヒゲから検出でき、今後、糖尿病の極めて初期段階の発症機構研究に大きく貢献できる可能性が考えられます。